"Relax. Movement. Nourish" - FMP health ebook 2nd issue

How was the first quarter of 2021 for you? 

In a busy world, with so much pressure and expectation, sometimes healthcare priorities are sacrificed for other equally important priorities, FMP hopes you had a healthy and positive start to 2021!

We are grateful for all the positive feedback we have received following the first quarterly e-book which discussed three concepts: ‘change’, ‘focus’ and ‘sleep’. We are encouraged to hear how the advice has supported a healthier mindset for so many of you and hope to continue reinforcing these positive changes throughout the course of the year.

So what will FMP bring to you in this second issue? 

We appreciate that life is busy and it may feel there is never enough time to make healthy, balanced decisions. However, we also know that many of us feel negative feelings about our nutrition, our lack of movement and the time that we dedicate to ourselves to truly relax.

That is why in this second quarterly issue we will focus upon three important pillars of health: Nourishment, Movement and Relaxation.

It is often when we are at our most busy that these three components of a healthy lifestyle are compromised. However, this is likely to be the time your body and your mind need them the most. Nourishment is often thought of as a word for solely nutrition, but actually it encompasses a larger concept that food should be a mindful activity to serve and positively impact the body in many ways.

For example, sourcing and preparing food as well as eating with others are all important aspects to properly nourish your body and your mind. Secondly, movement rather than exercise focuses on the premise that it should be considered integral to your day rather than an ‘allocated exercise slot’.

Small changes such as walking to work or taking the stairs can make hugely positive contributions to your overall well being. Lastly, relaxation constitutes the time you give yourself to restore balance when existing in a busy world with competing demands. We hope the information provided in this e-Book provides you with useful information to improve these aspects of your health and that of your families.

The content of this e-book is written by professionals with years of knowledge and experience in specialties relevant to the topics. For example FMP’s pediatric, physiotherapy, midwifery and obstetric specialists have this quarter all shared their advice to support our patient community enjoy a healthier and more balanced life. They have provided information in an article form to read and understand in more detail and then a further infographic has been provided for a more visual representation of the information- we hope both formats are interesting to you.

Our mission at FMP is to share evidence-based information as far-afield as possible. We recognize digital poverty exists and many cannot always access healthcare. Therefore we give permission to share all content digitally or in print out versions to enable the wider community to benefit from the information.

We always look forward to receiving our readers feedback to improve the content of our future publications, please contact us on the email below. Additionally, if you would like to suggest a medical topic for a future publication please email: hanoi@vietnammedicalpractice.com. 

You can download the free E-book here:

For medical service please contact us: 024 3843 0748 ext 112, 113, 117 (VN, EN), 116 (Korean) , 111 (Japanese)